Gentry Series Collection
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Gentry is the main character. She first appeared in Happiness, Hurt and Healing. This story tells how to heal from the hurt and the struggles of finding her back to happiness and helping others to see their worth. The 2nd book is titled The Re-entry of Gentry. Gentry has a chance encounter with her former boyfriend, and for the sake of common decency, they make a truce while they are attending a conference. The 3rd installation is Gentry’s Journey: Victor and Gentry demonstrate building a life together, but there are still tough decisions they have to face. Gentry’s Circle of Friends; demonstrates friends can be more like family and family can be more like strangers. These groups of girlfriends navigate life together. The final book in the series: The stethoscope is for more than Listening: changing careers has been her goal. This work lends an inside view of the hospital and the lives people live. People and professionals are more alike than we think.

#1: Happiness Hurt Healing
The first of the Gentry Series.
Gentry finds herself where many people have found themselves, heartbroken. The deception of a loved one. How does she heal? One step at a time, self-care, moving forward throughout her day. She continues to work on her goals and realizes you do not go through challenges alone or just for yourself. Meaning after you heal, you can help others along the way.

The second of the Gentry Series.
Gentry is back with the advice of her father and the push from her friends, she decides it may be time to get back into the dating game. As much as she has grown, this young lady is still stubborn. She wants to enjoy working and traveling. She is on a business trip, and so is Victor. What are the odds of them meeting in this manner?

The third of the Gentry Series.
Gentry is back by popular demand. One never knows what lies ahead in life. Life can be a roller coaster with its up and down, Will there be a wedding? Gentry seems to have a stalker. Victor is forced to reveal a rather large surprise to Gentry. Will they make it through this one? Damn, men can be so foolish.

The fourth of the Gentry Series.
This was a suggestion to the writer, and I found it a great idea. How did these women meet? The bond they have is to be cherished. Sometimes family is not family, but friends can act like family. The love and support they show one another is amazing, through the good, the bad, and the ugly. They never waiver.

The fifth of the Gentry Series.
The Stethoscope is for more than listening. Gentry changes careers and learns so many things they were never taught in nursing school. The antics that go on in the hospital are pretty surprising and disheartening. Not only do you care for the patient but also their families and friends.